
How we can help?

Working in pharmaceutical professions can present many ethical and spiritual challenges. We have developed these resources to help support, encourage and equip those studying or working in the pharmaceutical professions to think Biblically about a range of health and ethical issues. These resources are developed mainly from previous workshop and webinar series. They are constantly being updated so please bare with us as we fill the gaps. To learn more and discuss these issues in more detail why not join us for our next conference – we’d love to see you there!

Christians & Society
Thinking about conscience and religious freedom.

Should Conscience come before care? - Dr C.K. Tan

Talk on Conscience - Dr. Chik Kaw TAN

Servant hearted leadership in the workplace - CiP

Faith In The Workplace
Sharing Christ in the workplace though words and actions, including evangelism and helping our own and others mental health.

How Christians can share their faith in the work place - CiP Conference

Why Jesus? Any religion will do, or will it? (PDF) - Dr C.K. Tan

My Testimony and the uniqueness of Christ (PDF) - Dr C.K. Tan

Transgender ideology and the church (PDF)

No Totalitarianism
No totalitarianism here please! Why human conscience must be respected (PDF) - Stephen Goundrey - Smith

Considering the ethics of medical and clinical research including genetic therapies and stem cell technology

Ethics of stem cell therapy